Sitemap and navigation of

Originally designed for the ease and automation of the robotic empire:

The sitemap area is information on this page that is posted in the footer section of our site. Site Maps is responsible for search engines and other robots to help aid in traversing this site. Also, this page is useful for those rocking the Lynx text-only browser as it provides clear linkage throughout this site without the usage of CSS menus. Finally, for those who don't like navigating the entire site to see what content is available. Every single post is listed here as well. Although we are a graphically heavy site. We still try to make it easy on those who are text-only. Or at the very least TRY to make it easy.

Starting at ground zero which is the page you are viewing right now:

  • FAQ & TOS - Answering many of the common along with some rare questions about the nature of this site.
  • Gifts - Ranging from financial donations to art. To which we are forever grateful. Non-Javascript mode viewing is available as well.
  • Donation/Supporting S - Although not required. If you want to throw absinthe money at us in the form of crypto there you go.
  • Privacy Notice - Believe it or not we do care about your privacy! Strange but true!
  • Site maps - Although automatically generated are also available to those who use them.
  • Stream - Showing the last recorded session "S" streamed.
  • Support - for those interested in helping us out.

Category Navigation construct of S-Config :

Moving past our home navigation menu; The simplification process continues along with the top categories this blog has to offer

ART - Containing color artwork, and sketches that show both new and archived drawings and designs in gallery format. You can also check out some of the short stories. A new addition to this category is music which has a few tracks published and more to come.

    • Color Artwork - For a gallery mode of our completed art.
    • Sketch Books - Random images slammed onto paper while waiting in coffee shops and airports.
    • Stories - Although dated it's stuff we consider worth keeping.

TXT - Texts Containing guides such as tutorials on how to do things. A general blog for random thought processes. A rants category for your daily diatribes of hatred. Last but not least the metaverse for all things virtual.

    • Changelog - reporting all changes in TOS policy as well as link activity of
    • General - It's everything that we write. Sorted by date.
    • Guides - info that we believe may be helpful to others. Mostly tech articles.
    • Metaverse - It's been around longer than "Meta" despite what the advertisements on television want you to believe.
    • Rant - General rants and thoughts that can be archived and used against us when the social paradigm shifts once again.
    • Video - Any video blogs will be listed here for reader/watcher convenience.

BIN - Binary digital goodness resides here.

    • Black Mirrors - Showing you alternative ways to access this site for better privacy and anonymity.
    • Cellar Door - The most powerful room on this server. These are websites friends, and people we look up to and draw inspiration from. From Tor to Webring links.

LNK - Links to other respected sites.

    • Download - Content that we have made. Primarily mods for games.
    • Mic-Test - Testing different and weird microphones while giving you the raw WAV file to see for yourself.

COM - Communications and Social networking. Have a question for us? You can send it to the void and sometimes the void can respond!

    • E-mail - For those with clients who can reach out.
    • Social Blades - If you are on one of these you can see the shit-posting we do.

Headless robotic scripted sitemap obliteration control is enabled below.

Anything below this point is run by a script that flattens the entire website to make life easier for the peeps on Lynx browsers as well as some of the spider bots. It will show every post listing on a single page.





Final thoughts.

Beep boop.

Until then:

May server protect you.