Addressing the JXL or JPegXL format floating around the internet.
We're going to do something we usually do not do for ANY of our blog articles. We're going to purposefully STOP all optimization of our files in this entry and only use ONLY PNG files (Blog article only, navigation, footer, and backgrounds will still be processed. It may sound totally counterproductive to do when making an article about a new format that the developers insist that you use. However, in order to graphically demonstrate my points about the "New kid on the image war block," we must go totally lossless with a codec we trust, and has been proven for almost 20 years.
Now, for those users running nightly builds of Chrome or Firefox that want to test out JXL Good news! Every article EXCEPT this one has already been encoded thanks to the scripting mentioned in this blog article. So once you've enabled JXL in your browser (details described below) you can explore this site with it and see if it's really all of the hype it's meant to be!
Read on if you care about my rants and opinions of this format.