We at S-Config.com and Corsair will never see eye to eye. And ASUS too!
We will see eye to eye on almost nothing! Corsair refuses to address any problems they've had. And has in fact doubled down on their horse shit!
When we first decided to retire our classic Microsoft Intellimouse (shout out to Logitech actually)that we used (and have beaten) LAN games as well as single-player games throughout the years. We decided to update our rig with a decent mechanical keyboard and mouse. Well, with our hatred for Razer destroying Ouya as well as repairing a lot of my friends Razer based hardware that company was an obvious no-go for me. We thought buying Corsair would be a good alternative.
TLDR version: We were wrong! Buy RedDragon instead. At least all of RedDragons keyboards and mice operate perfectly fine without shit bloatware! Depending on the model of RedDragon you can repair it! But for better or worse, we purchased Corsair, we're going to make the best of it by replacing the software with something else!
Read on if you want to read more!