The Six Ouyas

The Six Ouyas Title.

Six Ouyas chilling on eBay - AS-IS.

It was brought to my attention that there was a guy on ebay selling a lot of six Ouyas as-is and I said "why not? let's see whats going on with them". And now I have officially received my Six Ouyas for parts on eBay. The final price I paid for six broken Ouyas was $14.00 + $24.99 S&H from Canada to the US Midwest. I thought it would've gone for a lot more, to be Honest but glad I got it for so low! Anyhow; Allow me to dig into these. As a repair tech, I am super excited about these and am very interested in how Ouyas break and to actually learn from some of these units in the hopes of helping others.


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KingRoot a Virus?

KingRoot - Title

Is the kingroot apk really a virus?

It has come to my attention today with the help of my web admin that there was an APK that I allowed for download to people's Ouya consoles on my site called KingRoot. That will no longer be available here. Continue reading if you want to hear more.

previously, previously

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Lithium Battery charging fun.

Lithium Charging blog title.

Charging Lithium Batteries with various devices.

After my brief stint with Ni-HM batteries, it would a good time to change things up and play with Lithium batteries. I did a lot of research and am still learning as I go along since lithium on the grand scale chart of batteries is the lightest, most powerful, and most dangerous battery to work with.

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Web Services blog entry – AnubianHost

AnubianHost Title.

The progression from websites of old to AnubianHost is my current site.

I thought I made a blog entry about AnubianHost when I first started my blog. But Anubian Host is the web provider that I use which hosts all of the data that you see before you and keeps it nice and fast to boot. It's been a few years and perhaps it's time I should tell you a little story about why I moved to these guys.

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Archived – RootMyOuya.1.1.apk

Root my Ouya - App not installed.

RootMyOuya is now archived.

12/28/2014 - Since the Chickcharney update of Ouya the RootMyOuya.1.1.apk is no longer usable. After further investigation with trying to install this program manually and checking the logcat files. It appears that due to the updates the Ouya corperation has deemed that this package is no longer signed. I shall still keep the APK up on my site for archival reasons. But when it comes to newer Ouya's updated past 11/3/2014. If you have installed the RootMyOuya.1.1.apk prior to Chickcharney like I did you probably will not notice anything until you attempt to re-install this apk.

previously, previously, previously

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Goodbye Raspberry Pi – Hello Banana Pi

Raspberry Pi to Banana Pi title

After many years I have made the switch to Banana Pi.

There was so many different companies trying to mimic the success of the Raspberry Pi when it made its Kickstarter goals and people were waiting (impatiently sometimes) to acquire one. This will be a short little blog post about walking away from Raspberry Pi and supporting the Banana Pi. Read on if you like.


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Xbox Wireless Receiver hacks.

Ouya Controller Hack Screen

A brief blog entry about receiver hacking

A while back I talked about the Chinese Xbox wireless receiver for Xbox360 Wireless Controllers  and how to configure it. You can get these on Ebay for very cheap "I got mine for about $7 with free S&H. Some would also call these controllers 'fake' as they are not certified by Microsoft. Which out of the box they do not work, you have to setup the driver on windows as described in my last entry. One of the sections that I skimmed over the android side and how it all works. Well, this is a quick blog entry showing what I did after I received my controller from china.

previously, previously

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MiniDLNA Server and Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Minidlna title

DNLA NAS server with the help of MiniDLNA for your Raspberry Pi.

MiniDLNA is another one of those articles where I had to go bouncing around between various sites to truly get all of the details about how to setup and maintain MiniDLNA properly. For those who do not know what it is. DLNA stands for "Digital Network Living Alliance" and it's a protocol used in many consoles, smartTV's even phones as a standardized protocol that they can all communicate on (depending on video and encoder). The Raspberry Pi is perfect for such a project as it's low power and can put out an 'okay' level of bandwidth can can handle most 720p videos and even some 1080p videos that are encoded well. This is also great if you want to have a constant library of music and pictures that you would like to share with your entire LAN for anyone in your house to view or play.

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Bad batteries from china’s UltraFire. 3500mAh

battery title

UltraFire 3500mAh batteries - Another china defective product.

Ultrafire Ultra Fire 3500mAh battery pack of 4 Before rechargeables like UltraFire batteries I used to use a lot of Alkaline batteries for my gaming at various parties. Especially with how many controllers I would typically have in a session of gaming. I could easily go through a pack of 48 batteries on a weekend which was getting insane. The purpose of rechargeables is to cut down on all of that waste and money. It appears after getting these UltraFire batteries I not only pissed away money but they will be going in the garbage soon to add to the pile of battery waste out there! Continue reading for more.

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