The SecondLife Photo Album (001)

State of the blog 2022

Interesting how time flies within a metaverse engine.

For those who have visited my metaverse section, we would admit this area is a little anemic. But watching Mark Zuckerberg pour BILLIONS into Facebook meta only to achieve results that a 2003 engine known as Second Life was able to accomplish. It kind of speaks volumes as to how much of a catastrophic failure his metaverse engine is. To add insult to injury. "The Zucc" had the balls to say that his metaverse is "The first of its kind."

The arrogance of this man is just incredible. He has no idea how much barbeque sauce he could've put on his shelves with that kind of money!

However, time moves in the metaverse differently than it does in reality. Places come and go, and there's never a "Mark" left behind. Well, this blog hopes to share some of that history.

Warnings and disclaimers:

Some of the places and pictures captured may contain adult imagery. It's not hardcore porn. I would disclaimer-wall the fuck out of that. but it can qualify to be right on the border so if you're freaked out by pixelated boobies and bulges promoting their sexual grit. You probably would want to slam that back button. Also, note that because we spent most of our time in furry communities on SecondLife that is the aspect we will be focusing on and doesn't represent the entire metaverse of SecondLife.

Anyhow. read on if you would like a tour of my life within SecondLife.

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OpenSim – and Raspberry Pi – SOLVED!

Bullet Physics Error Title.

Unable to compile under an ARM environment.

I figured I'll leave this post out here in the hopes of seeing if the net has any ideas as to why does not work for OpenSim. I have tried compiling the newest BulletPhysics3 engine as well as OpenSims preferred 2.82 build as well. It has been tried with compiling with and without -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-fPIC" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-fPIC. both have failed. Here is the screenshot of what the physics engine does when you enable OpenSim.exe with bullet unmanaged.

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OpenSIM + Raspberry Pi + Rasbian Hard-Float= WORKs!

Raspberry Pi running OpenSim Title.

OpenSim + Raspian hard-float = What was once broken now works!

A while ago we decided to go on a journey with OpenSim. For those who are new to metaverse software; OpenSim (Or OpenSimulator) is a program that emulates the back-end resources of a commercial metaverse known as "Second Life". The client or front-end that connects to OpenSim are third-party clients such as firestorm and Singularity. We liked working offline from SecondLife and keeping a backup of my stuff. What better way to do this than to keep it on something low-powered like a Raspberry Pi? Read on to learn more.

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Bullet – physics installation for OpenSim

OpenSimulator Bullet Physics Library Logo Title

Introduction to Bullet:

Bullet is the modern physics engine that the OpenSim development team is heading towards during the version 8.x builds of OpenSim. Although it's only bullet version 3.x it provided a more robust collision detection for regions to make them feel more like the Second Life regions. It is uncertain of Bullet development will continue with the introduction of AviNations code-merge of their updated ODE Physics which allows for better prim sitting and vehicle crossing from region to region. Currently, although you can follow all of the steps and compile bullet onto your Arm-based Pi. Bullet simple does not run and you must run Bulletin XNA mode which isn't optimal.

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ODE Physics OpenSim Install

OpenSimulator Open Dynamics Engine Logo Title.

ubODE / ODE physics installation for OpenSim:

Update 11/25/2015: ODE / OpenDyanamics engine instructions have been updated to reflect the following changes to OpenSim 9.0 after the merging of code. If you are still looking for the original instructions feel free to click here. as of 11/26/2015 a massive update to the ODE physics called ubODE was introduced to many of the OpenSim environments. Making it run better then bullet on slower machines such as the Pi.

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Mindwar avatars.

mindwar title.

Mindwar Avatar line - gen 1 - by Riot Ornitz

The Mindwar product line was my attempt of getting into the avatar making business in Second Life. Understand that these avatars were done around 2007 and sculpts/mesh were not invented as of yet.

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