Because we were super bored, we are republishing our very first Quake 2 character, Mazen.
A long time ago and many computers passed we created our very first quake2 model. It was supposed to be an anthropomorphic Opossum by the name of "Mazen" and he was a model that can be used in quake2 for multiplayer deathmatches. Although getting the exact date and time of creation was difficult. I wrote a PDF tutorial on making quake2 and quake 3 models which had a creation date of October 14th of 2001. However, the last modified date of Mazen was March 03, of 2004. So we will go off of the last known edit date and place this blog entry on that date to not alarm anyone that this is "New" content we are adding here.
Between the creation of Quake 2 XP edition which had high-res textures as well as the RTX edition. We couldn't just release the classic Opossum model by itself. For starters, it couldn't even load in Quake 2 XP because the PCX images used were in a non-standard format. Well. We corrected that, as well as videos and downloads showing the entire process.
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